Lost Experience
It has been very interesting to watch the 'Lost Experience' unfold. All the people working together from their various countries to solve a mystery from a television show. I guess everybody likes a good mystery. I know I do. Maybe we need to get all the foreign leaders to sit down at a computer and get them to solve their countries problems. I remember when Alias did a similar type mystery...but that didn't last too long. The 'Lost Experience' mystery involves advertising for Sprite, Jeep, Verizon, & etc... A new approach to reach their audience base. The websites are probably enjoying the extra traffic that the game is providing to Monster.com, blogger.com, yahoo.com, & etc.... Then you have the Hanso Supporters versus Anti-Hanso's creating theories after theories that the Lost writers could use. Hmmm.... I do know that if I ever get caught in a conspiracy plot...then I'll just use the Internet for help.
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